DPS 2018 Speaker Announcement – Sandip Pani, Database Architect and Regional Mentor (DPG) from India


DPS 2018 Speaker Announcement – Sandip Pani, Database Architect and Regional Mentor (DPG) from India

Brace yourself as we announce the next speaker of DPS 2018.

Join us in welcoming the Database Architect and Regional Mentor (DPG) from India – Sandip Pani. Sandip will be joining us at the Data Platform Summit this year. We are excited to host him at DPS 2018.

Sandip has taken time out of his busy schedule and will be spending his time at DPS 2018 sharing his technical expertise with the delegates. And here is a treat for Data Professionals in Asia: Sandip will be delivering regular breakout sessions, Open-Talks & Chalk-Talks at the conference, Aug 9 to 11  – a must attend.

And do not forget, there will be more than 100 Breakouts, Open-Talks & Chalk-Talks session @ DPS 2018. This year, DPS will see highly curated content from the world’s best delivered at a world class infrastructure, Radisson BLU, Outer Ring Road, Marathahalli, Bangalore.

Who is Sandip Pani?

Sandip Pani is a Database/BI developer, an eminent speaker, blogger from Bangalore, India. He has been working on SQL Server over 11 years and is MCITP Certified. He specializes in SQL Server for application development, query tuning and performance troubleshooting. Currently working as Senior Technical Specialist for NextGen Healthcare and is quite active in SQL community world. He shares and enhance his knowledge of SQL Server by spending time at newsgroups and forums, speaking at conferences. He was a Speaker at SQLBits XI – Nottingham, SQLBits XIV – London and SSGAG 16, DPS 17. He is a regular speaker at DataPlatformGeeks (formerly known as SQLServerGeeks) Meet-Up and Data Platform Day events. He also leads the User Group in DataplatformGeeks. He believes 90% of the problem can be solved in this world if correct data is available. His goal is to understand SQL Server product functionality in depth, utilize that knowledge in his job and share the experience with the SQL community.

DPS Team, DPG Team & eDominer welcomes Sandip to DPS 2018.

What does it mean for you? This is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from the expert and your only opportunity to attend a regular session and interact in-person with Sandip Pani.

DPS 2018 has a battery of power-packed speakers. Keep watching this space for DPS 2018 Stalwarts.

Still not registered for DPS 2018? Grab this month’s pricing for the conference & pre-con, it is the lowest. There are multiple packages you can choose from.

Talk to your manager today and get sponsored for the summit. There are discounts available for group registrations.

Click Here to learn more about DPS 2018 Conference & Pre-Con registration.

And we hope you have not missed the highlights from DPS 2017, SSGAS 2016 & SSGAS 2015.

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